Drive-Thru Meat Sale FAQs

Where is Buzz located?
4818 Kanawha Blvd East, Charleston WV 25306. If you enter our address into your GPS, we promise it will bring you right to us!
For the less technologically savvy (how did you find this web page?), we are on Route 60, just East of Charleston.  We are less than a mile past the mouth of Campbell's Creek Drive, on the left side (the hill side) of Route 60, opposite the town of Rand.  If you drive to Belle, you've gone too far!
Can I purchase a Meat Box at your office?
Yes! We currently have one of our previously available meat and seafood boxes available to pick up at our office.  No reservations are taken, no order needs to be placed in advance.  You are welcome to visit our office on Monday through Friday between 10am and 3pm for curbside service. We're going to do our best to make this as convenient as we can.
What will be in the Meat Box this Friday?
Our Meat Box offering available current is listed below.
What will be in the Seafood Box this Friday?
The contents of the Seafood Box will remain the same. There is less opportunity with variety in the seafood boxes, but we'll try and introduce a few new changes occassionally, probably always keeping the salmon and shrimp that everyone seems to love so much.
Where is the sale located and what time does it begin?
Our sale has moved!  By offering curbside service at our office/warehouse, we will be able to expand the days and hours of service, cut down on the lines (we hope) and offer a wider assortment of products, like whole cases of many of your favorite meat box components.  This curb-side service offering will be available every Monday through Friday, as demand continues, from 10am to 3pm.  So take your time, come early, come late, come often.  We look forward to seeing you again in a new setting.
Can I order in Bulk? 
Absolutely! We offer bulk orders of all meat cuts, Super Donuts and seafood. Please be mindful we cannot break full cases. If you are requesting fresh meat to be cut, please call us 24 hours in advance for cuts like ribeyes, filets, pork chops, etc. Questions about price for buying in bulk? Ask us when you drop in to pick up a meat box!
How does this whole thing work?
When you pull up to the Buzz, walk right in (this used to be drive up but with COVID ramping down, we've changed the process) and let us know which boxes you are interested in.  Not sure which one you want?  We will have a print out of all available boxes for you to easily review.  We will take your payment and the boxes will be loaded into your car for you.
How much does the box cost?
$50.00 per box for the assorted boxes. 
How can I pay?
We accept both cash and cards at the time of pick up. Credit card users have the ability to swipe their own cards or dip their chip cards with no contact and no one touching your card, if that's your preference.  There is no pre-payment option.  We are not currently able to accept EBT payments.
Can I buy more than one box?
You can purchase as many boxes and as much product as you like, while supplies last.  We just want to get delicious meats in the hands of as many people as we can.
Can I reserve a box?
We do not take box reservations, nor should you call ahead. All boxes are on a first come, first served basis only. 
Stay in touch and keep current on Meat & Seafood Box offerings by subscribing. For additional questions, please email
Stay tuned for our next and newest Assorted Meat Box!