Olivia Jones

Olivia graduated from Capital High School and came to work at Buzz in the Spring of 2020. She has two cats, Hazel & Chubbs, that get her undivided attention anytime she is not at Buzz. Olivia started as Office Staff working on our Drive-Thru Meat Sales and was promoted to our Order Fulfillment Supervisor and makes sure orders are accounted for and delivered promptly and now she basically can do anything at Buzz. We appreciate Olivia and her hard work!
Title: Operations Specialist
Favorite Part of Your Job: Working with one of our key customers daily!
Favorite Cut of Meat: Coulotte
Describe Yourself in Three Words: Sleepy, Anxious, Detail Oriented
Who Would Play You In A Movie About Your Life: Amanda Seyfried
3 Things You'd Take To A Desert Island: Chicken Nuggets, Koolaid, Chubbs (my cat)
Most Surprising Fact About You: I was deaf for three years!
Reach Olivia at: olivia@beef.buzz.